Emergency Dentist
Kingwood TX

Serving the Kingwood community& surrounding areas since 1998

Emergency Dentist Kingwood TX

Serving the Kingwood community & surrounding areas since 1998

Emergency Dentistry for Urgent Care

Dental emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere, which is why it is so important to know what to do when an emergency occurs, and how to identify when immediate dental or medical support is needed. For example, certain issues such as a crown or a filling that have fallen out or become damaged is typically a situation where treatment will be needed, but does not likely require immediate emergency support, whereas situations where the pain is unbearable, or bleeding is significant, emergency dental care will likely be necessary.

If you need emergency assistance, or if you have any questions about how to best address an emergency situation, contact us today at 281-359-9100, or visit our office at 1542 Green Oak Pl, Kingwood, TX 77339.

Handling an Emergency Situation

One of the most important things to do when you an emergency occurs is remain calm. After you have assessed the situation and determined that your issue requires the immediate support of a professional, contact our office, even if the emergency has occurred outside of our normal business hours. Our staff will listen to your case and help you determine if the situation requires you to come to our office, the emergency room, or if you are safe in waiting until the next day to have your issue addressed. If you are not able to contact anyone at our office, it is always best to err on the side of caution and go to the nearest emergency room near you. Although the physician on hand may not be able to provide you the exact dental care you require, they will be able to prescribe pain relieving medication and antibiotics if necessary, and advise you on what to do next.

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Common Emergency Dental Issues

Dental emergencies can occur due to physical trauma or because of an underlying issue that has been left untreated for too long. One of the most important reasons to schedule regular dental exams is that doing so allows your dentist to identify and address these issues from developing into emergency situations.

Toothache Pain

One of the most common reasons for requiring emergency dental care is due to toothache pain that has become unbearable. There can be a range of reasons why toothache pain can develop, but is commonly due to an abscess or infection. If over-the-counter pain medication is not sufficient in minimizing your pain, emergency dental care may be necessary. Other steps you can take to help address toothache pain include:

  • Rinsing with salt water to kill bacteria and reduce inflammation
  • Using a cold compress to alleviate pain and reduce swelling
  • Removing food by the tooth using a dental pick or dental floss
  • Apply oral numbing gel to tooth and gums

Once you can be seen, an examination of the tooth will be performed, along with X-rays if needed to determine the source of the pain and what treatment option is required.

Knocked-Out, Broken, or Cracked Tooth

Losing a tooth or suddenly having a tooth break or crack can be a jarring experience, which is why it is important to plan ahead in case you ever experience this unfortunate event. Locate the missing tooth as quickly as possible, and gently pick it up, always lifting by the crown and not the root to reduce the risk of bacteria being introduced. Run cold, clean water over the tooth to remove any debris, and place the tooth in the socket and bite down gently, keeping the tooth in place until you can be seen by an emergency dentist. If you are not able to place the tooth back in its socket, store the tooth in a container of saliva or milk. Provided you follow these steps and can see an emergency dentist soon enough, there is a good chance you will be able to preserve the tooth. The same steps should also be followed for chipped or broken teeth.

Oral Injuries

Oral injuries are injuries that occur to your mouth or facial tissue that results in excessive bleeding. If you suffer a significant mouth or face injury, you should most likely seek emergency dental care as quickly as possible. Before going to the emergency room, rinse the affected area with water and use a cold compress to help clean the area and minimize bleeding. Once you are seen by the emergency room doctor or dentist and the cut has been stitched up and the bleeding stopped, they will advise you on what next steps you should take.

Dental Abscess

When the area in or around the root of a tooth becomes infected, this is known as a dental abscess. If left untreated long enough, dental abscess can spread to nearby teeth, the jawbone, and even spread into your blood, resulting in severe dental pain and an increased risk of developing additional health issues. Depending on the severity of your pain, immediate emergency dental care may or may not be needed. If you suspect you may have a dental abscess, schedule an appointment as quickly as possible to prevent the infection from spreading and avoid experiencing unnecessary pain. Dental abscesses are typically treated with root canal therapy, or in more severe cases, the extraction of the tooth.


Schedule an Appointment Today

At Kingwood Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we are dedicated to creating an environment where open dialogue is encouraged, so we can ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the procedure being performed, and confidence that you are receiving high-quality specialized care designed to meet your unique needs.

If you are concerned that you require emergency dental care, contact our office at 281-359-9100, even if the emergency has occurred outside our regular office hours, as our answering service can provide emergency dental options. If your emergency requires immediate care and you are not able to contact someone from our office, your next best option is to go to the nearest hospital emergency room where you can be prescribed medication and given general care until one of our specialists is able to see you.